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Our Web Designing Process

At Flextech, Website development and design done in six phases as Information Gathering, Planning & Developing Concept, Web Designing, Web Development, Testing & Delivery, Maintenance & Support.

Flextech Services

We provide a wide range of comprehensive business web solutions for powerful business presence on web. Deploying Feature rich dynamic sites, e-commerce websites, content management systems etc.

Website Features

Websites created at Flextech include following features Attractive Design, Fully Responsive, SEO Optimized, Free Support, Social Media & Map, Fast Speed, Track Visitors, Sale Products etc.

What out clinets are say…

Siddharth Mittal

“They provided easiest solutions for my bussniess. Website is extremely user friendly and very good in design.”

Subhash Yadav

“Professional and friendly, Developed my ecommerce website professionally and support is very good.”

Tapish Patni

“We “Scout Tales” have been working with Flextech from a year .They have better technical patch over Websites Designing / SEO or More & also a good content creater.”